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홈 > book > 외국어
[외국어] 영어 한 스푼, 열정 두 스푼
이채민 | 지식과감성# | 2014-03-05 | 공급 : (주)북큐브네트웍스 (2017-11-21)

제작형태 : pdf
대출현황 : 대출:0, 예약:0, 보유수량:5
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  • 이채민

    저자 이채민은 영어로 글쓰기를 즐기는 중학생으로 미국 버지니아 주 Centre Ridge 초등학교의 1년 유학을 거쳐 현재 분당의 장안중학교 3학년에 재학 중이다. 성적 때문에 공부하는 영어가 아닌 자신의 느낌과 경험을 문장으로 표현하는 영어를 위해 노력하고 있다. 찰스 디킨스의 풍자가 섞인 날카로운 문장, 에밀리 브론테가 창조한 인물들에 관심이 많고 이들의 문학적 깊이에 영향을 받아 나만의 문체가 담긴 글에 대한 모색을 계속하고 있으며, 이 책은 그러한 탐구의 시작을 알리는 첫 산물이다.

  • CHAPTER 01

    The House in My Dreams

    The New 500 Dollar Bills

    The Missing Piece

    The Old Wooden Chest

    My Biggest Dream

    Hantak Botanical Garden

    What would you do if you get thousand dollars?

    What are ways to prevent prejudice?

    Where would you want to live in?

    What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

    What can you learn about countries by watching its movies?

    Play Not Only Sports

    How Should Your Co-worker Be?

    A Shining Future

    CHAPTER 02

    Some people think that money is the most important aspect of a job

    How would you be able to help people suffering from drought?

    Public Transportation or Highways

    The Power of Book

    Easy Ways to Solve Energy Crisis

    Robots in School Does Help

    Tobacco is as Bad as Drug

    Why the world is starving

    Punishments for Rapists

    Do You Want to Improve Your P.E Grades?

    Value of Holidays to Children

    Physical Checkups

    Extracurricular Programs for Children

    Natural Zoos and Privacy for Animals

    Advertisements and Cultures

    Korean Students Overloaded with Homework

    Need for New Desks in School

    Punishment for Hazardous People in the Classroom

    CHAPTER 03

    The One who Challenges the World Wins

    An Independent Woman

    Dreams Come True

    King George, the Stammerer

    Value of Holidays to Children

    Lunar New Year’s Day in Korean Culture

    Able Teachers Can Make Able Students

    Differences Between Three Eastern Countries in the Use

    of Chinese Characters

    Different Genres of Books I Like

    How to Do Paper Cuts

    An Enriched Life with Friends

    Learning Second Foreign Languages

    Choosing Subjects to Study

    Benefits from Living in Dorm

    엄마를 쉬게 하자 (Let Mothers Rest)

    CHAPTER 04

    Improvements in Preparing Food

    Living in Japanese Occupation Era as a Girl

    Winning Love and Success

    Negative Effects of the Zoos

    Scrooge’s ‘Merry’ Christmas

    : After Reading MacBeth by William Shakespeare

    Elizabeth Bennet, the Lovely Daughter of the English Literature

    The Life Story of Lee Chaemin