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[외국어] 리처드 성, 영어회화 떠 먹여줘!
성호경 | 원타임즈 | 2013-06-14 | 공급 : (주)북큐브네트웍스 (2014-02-12)

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  • 언감생심 영어를 유창하게 잘해보겠다는 욕심을 버리고 영어 벙어리만 면할 수 있다면 그것으로 감사하며, 영어 까막눈에서 벗어나고 싶은 사람들을 위한 책이다.

    대화를 위한 기본 표현뿐 아니라 그와 관련되거나 비슷한 내용을 더 소개해 가능한 많은 표현을 익힐 수 있도록 구성하였다. 무엇보다 영어를 못하는 사람들이 원어민을 만났을 때 가장 하고 싶은 말, 궁금한 말, 해외여행에서 자기 앞가림을 못해 쩔쩔매야 했던 절실한 말 등 가려운 데를 시원하게 긁어주는 말들을 모두 실었다.

    문화의 차이와 그에 따른 표현도 엿볼 수 있는 팁(Tip)은 이 책에서 독자들에게 제공하는 쏠쏠한 재미이기도 하다.

    또 각 대화에서 지나치기 쉬운 단어와 구문을 꼼꼼하게 정리하여 세심하게 확인할 수 있도록 노트로 묶어 놓았다.

    ‘외국인과 대화하기 필수표현 80’과 ‘해외여행 상황별 필수표현 80’ 두 파트로 나누어 철저한 연습을 통해 어디서 누구를 만나든 쉽게 활용할 수 있도록 구성하였다.

    외국인과 대화하기 필수표현 80 - 국제화 시대가 가속화하면서 어디를 가든 외국인을 마주칠 기회는 점점 많아지는데, 그들에게 말을 걸기는커녕 먼저 말을 걸어와도 말 한마디 못하는 답답함과 영어 때문에 잔뜩 주눅이 든 왕초보들에게 자신감을 주고 외국인에게 직접 말을 걸어 대화해 볼 수 있는 방법과 필요한 말들을 모두 실었다.

    해외여행 상황별 필수표현 80 - 실제로 해외여행에서 꼭 필요한 말은 그리 많지 않다. 하물며 초보자는 꼭 필요한 말만 하기도 벅차다. 그래서 군더더기는 쏙 빼버리고 반드시 알아야 할 핵심 표현만을 엄선하였다. 여기에 나오는 표현만 소화하면 세계 어디든지 혼자서도 여행하는데 큰 불편이 없을 뿐 아니라 초보자들의 답답한 입을, 말이 하고 싶어서 근질근질하도록 만들기에 충분할 것이다.

  • Foreword ·4

    PART1 외국인과 대화하기 필수표현

    외국인과 말문 트기 ·13

    Hi!·14 / Good morning!·16 / How are you doing?·18 / May I talk to you?·20 / I enjoy talking with people from different places.·22 / Let me introduce myself.·24 / How do you do?·26 / Nice to meet you.·28

    궁금한 것 물어보기 ·31

    Where are you from?·32 / What’s your name again?·34 / What do you do?·36 / What brings you to Korea?·38 / Where are you staying in Seoul?·40 / How long will you be staying in Korea?·42 / What do you think of Seoul?·44 / How long have you been in Korea?·46 / Have you ever been to Jeju Island?·48 / I beg your pardon?·50 / I can’t express myself well in English.·52

    함께 식사하기 ·55

    Have you eaten?·56 / Would you like to have dinner with me?·58 / Have you ever tried Korean food?·60 / What’s your favorite food?·62 / What would you like to have?·64 / Go ahead and help yourself.·66 / Please eat your fill.·68 / How do you like it?·70 / Would you like some more galbi?·72 / Did you enjoy the meal?·74 / It’s on me.·76 / Let’s go Dutch.·78

    작별 인사하기 ·245

    Let’s do this again sometime.·82 / Oh, it’s getting late.·84 / I must be going now.·86 / Nice talking to you.·88 / Time flies when you are having fun.·90 / Let’s keep in touch.·92 / I want to be friends with you.·94 / Can we meet again?·96 / How can I get in touch with you?·98 / May I have your phone number?·100 / When is the best time to call?·102 / Take care!·104 / See you later!·106

    약속 정하고 다시 만나기 ·109

    Are you free this weekend?·110 / What time suits you best?·112 / I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again.·114 / Please don’t stand me up.·116 / I’m sorry I’m late.·118 / What held you up?·120 / I was stuck in traffic.·122 / Long time no see.·124 / How have you been?·126 / You haven’t changed a bit.·128 / That’s a nice suit you’re wearing.·130

    대화하기 ·133

    Do you have any hobbies?·134 / Are you interested in music?·136 / How large is your family?·138 / Where did you go to school?·140 / What was your major?·142 / What’s the weather like outside?·144 / Would you do me a favor?·146 / Thanks a lot.·148 / My pleasure.·150 / This is a little something for you.·152

    함께 놀기 ·155

    How about going to a movie?·156 / Are there any good movies showing?·158 / Who’s starring in that movie?·160 / How about a drink?·162 / Let me pour you a drink.·164 / Cheers!·166 / I’ll show you around.·168 / Let’s take a picture.·170

    집으로 초대하기 ·173

    I’d like to invite you to my house.·174 / Nice of you to come!·176 / Please have a seat.·178 / Make yourself at home.·180 / Can I get you something to drink?·182 / Please relax and stay for dinner.·184 / I’ll give you a ride.·186

    PART2 해외여행 상황별 필수표현

    공항 ·191

    Is there a flight to New York from here?·192 / I’d like to book a flight to New York.·194 / Is it nonstop?·196 / Will I be able to make my connection there?·198 / How long is this ticket good for?·200 / I’d like to confirm my reservation.·202 / I’d like a window seat.·204 / Where is Gate 6, please?·206

    기내 ·209

    Can you help me find my seat, please?·210 / How do I fasten this seat belt?·212 / Could I have something to drink?·214 / When will the meal be served?·216 / Please let me get by·218 / Do you have medicine for airsickness?·220 / Where is the rest room?·222 / Could you tell me how to fill in this form?·224

    입국심사 ·227

    I’m here on business.·228 / I can’t find my checked baggage.·230 / I have nothing to declare.·232 / I’d like some information about transportation.·234 / I’d like to cash this traveler’s check.·236 / Can you bring this bag to the taxi stand?·238 / Could you page someone for me?·240

    호텔 ·243

    I’d like to reserve a room for tonight.·244 / Do you have vacancies?·246 / What’s your rate per night?·248 / I’d like to check in, please.·250 / Can you give me a wake-up call?·252 / I’d like to order breakfast.·254 / Can I leave my valuables with you?·256 / Could you send someone up to my room?·258 / I’d like to change my room.·260 / I have some laundry.·262 / I’m locked out of my room.·264 / Please make the bed.·266 / I’m checking out tomorrow morning.·268

    교통·관광 ·271

    How do I get to the Hilton Hotel?·272 / Where can I find a drugstore?·274 / I’m lost. Where am I?·276 / Where can I catch a bus to go downtown?·278 / What’s the fare?·280 / Could you let me know when we get there?·282 / Take me to the Hilton Hotel.·284 / Keep the change.·286 / What platform does the train leave from?·288 / I’d like to do some sightseeing.·290 / Are there any city sightseeing buses?·292 / What are the major tourist attractions in this area?·294 / Can you recommend a decent golf course?·296

    식당 ·299

    Is there a Korean restaurant around here?·300 / Where can I enjoy some local food?·302 / I’d like to reserve a table for three.·304 / Let me see a menu.·306 / What’s good here?·308 / Take my order, please.·310 / I’m not familiar with American food.·312 / Well-done, please.·314 / What’s taking so long?·316 / This is not what I ordered.·318 / Check, please.·320

    쇼핑 ·323

    Whereabouts can I do some shopping?·324 / Where can I find neckties?·326 / I’m just browsing.·328 / Can I see some neckties?·330 / Can I try this on?·332 / How does it look on me?·334 / Will you show me some others?·336 / Okay, I’ll take it.·338 / How much is this?·340 / That’s a little high for me.·342 / Can you give me a discount?·344 / Do you take credit cards?·346 / Would you please gift-wrap it?·348 / I got short-changed.·350 / I’d like to get a refund on this.·352

    기타 유용한 표현 ·355

    I’d like to send this parcel to Seoul.·356 / I’d like a haircut.·358 / I’d like a perm.·360 / I lost my credit card.·362 / I have severe insomnia.·364